KB1081 - Unable to play in the New Player Lobby (NPL)

30th August 2024​
2nd September 2024​
2nd September 2024​

Unable to play in the New Player Lobby (NPL)​

NPL Lobbies are gated communities for new players who are not familiar using the Voobly client and playing their first RM games and basically doing their first steps in game -- without being rushed by other players who already know how to use the Voobly client and who play this game daily. As per this definition, a NPL lobby is not designed for bad players or players who want to improve their game skill.

Those lobbies are protected by an algorithm with frequent checks on all players, whether this player is ready to play with the rest of the community or whether this player is still a new player and is allowed to play in a NPL lobby. Please understand that we cannot publish those conditions or patterns of our algorithm, otherwise other players who don't belong there would try avoid those hard factors.

Things not to do in a New Player Lobby (NPL)​

  • Do not create multiple accounts and play with those accounts in a NPL lobby.
  • Do not share your account with other players or allow other players using your account.
  • When playing with other family members in the same household, please make sure to keep your computers strictly separated.
  • Do not play any rated games on a competitive ladder outside of a NPL lobby.
  • Do not resign games in a NPL lobby, even though you have clearly won the game.
  • Do not manipulate your rating or trade away points to keep your rating low.
  • Do not violate any Game Policies (harassment, being toxic, ruining games, friendly fire).
  • Do not violate our Code of Conduct (being toxic in NPL, harassment, trolling).

Other reasons for being banned from a New Player Lobby (NPL)​

  • You met the rating or game number cap of rated games.
  • You played or currently were playing a competitive ladder in another game lobby.
  • You tried tricking our algorithm and you have been banned by the Voobly Team.
  • You played at a skill level that exceeds the skill of the New Player Lobby as a whole.
  • You were resigning won games to keep your rating low.
If you meet any of the criteria, you appeal will be denied automatically.

Common excuses that we will ignore​

After running and managing our New Player Lobbies (NPL) for more than 10 years, please find below a humorous list of excuses you shouldn't come up with at the General Support Forums trying to appeal your ban.
  • It's my brother's, sister's, mother's, father's, aunt's, uncle's, roommate's, parrot's, dog's account, not mine.
  • I have kids, nephews, cousins in my household playing in NPL.
  • I was playing at my friend's house and got banned.
  • I let my friend use my account.
  • MS is too hard.
  • I can't find games to play.
  • I didn't know it was against the rules.
  • You're letting people better than me play in the NPL.
  • I'm only good at one map, and I'm bad at others. Please unban me so I can practice.
  • I want to play CS in NPL.

Change Management​

Date Created​
30th August 2024​
Initial Release​
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This website was created by volunteers of the Member Plus Program and is not affiliated with Voobly.
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